Aerodynamics is just a philosophy: an open critique

In the context of high Reynolds number aerodynamics, what does it mean to have a "laminar boundary layer" (BL)? How long is it on a wing under normal operating conditions? According to Reynolds number calculations, at best it can be no longer than a few centimeters from the leading edge! (see Fig. 1). So can we talk about a laminar BL in both the physical transition and turbulent regimes, including their instabilities and vortices? What about so-called "laminar airfoils"? Perhaps most of the aerodynamicists (experimentalists, theorists, and computationalists) are abusing on oversimplifying things to make everything fit with their own interpretations?

Fig. 1 Surface oil flow visualization of a wing upper surface (AR=3, AoA=0 deg., Re=1E6). The fluid separation region (transition to turbulent BL; ignore the red rectangle) is clearly marked around the top of the wing. Source: "Variable Camber Compliant Wing-Wind Tunnel Testing", C.R. Marks et al. (2015).

Since aerodynamics was originally conceived by pure observation and trial-and-error approaches, some experimentalists hold that such a field will never be replicated by computational simulations or even described by theories, as if the understanding of aerodynamics per se is divine or sacred (in the end, it is nature!). Perhaps they are not wrong at all, since some fundamental aspects in this field, such as the mechanism of lift generation and the role of viscosity in it, have not been revealed by any theory or computational simulation (not even by DNS*), while experimentalists have been designing the first flying devices based on aerodynamic concepts for more than a century, initially based only in experimental tests. However, such a negative way of thinking is a great burden for the understanding of such complex phenomena, since this perspective closes two of the three ways of understanding from a more integral point of view, relegating aerodynamics to purely empirical knowledge. Moreover, this group seems to forget that by avoiding the solution of aerodynamics from other perspectives, its inherent impracticality, in terms of time and monetary cost to perform physical tests under difficult physical conditions, ceases to be the panacea that it is supposed to be.

Fig. 2 Preliminary inflation test for a semi-flexible wing prototype (designer: C. Pimentel; National Polytechnic Institute, 2013).

A physical phenomenon, or at least a simplified version of it, can be explained and understood through a theoretical description; this is the reason why mathematics has been developed. Undoubtedly, the work of theoreticians cannot be disparaged in any way, since it is the steeping stone on which numerical, analytical and semi-empirical developments are based; without scientifically based theories (and hypotheses), our knowledge hangs in the balance. At this point, arises a crucial aspect: there should be an equilibrium between theory and practical application, especially in the field of engineering, which is focused on solving problems in a relatively efficient way. But how to choose the right amount of simplifications or assumptions to obtain a well-justified solution? Oversimplified models indeed need to be applied only under certain specific conditions or to obtain approximate values, which are sometimes sufficient to have a better understanding of the problem to be solved. This is where experience, not only theoretical or numerical but above all, physical (i.e., hands-on), is crucial to making the right decisions, especially in a practical field like aerodynamics (and fluid dynamics in general). Furthermore, we must remember that all theories are subject to revision as new well-founded hypotheses or ideas arise, especially if the new results are even slightly different from the previous ones. At this point, it is crucial to focus on understanding the fundamentals first to construct more complete theories and models; if the foundation is strong, whatever is built upon it will hold.

Fig. 3 General (left) and simplified (right) parachute dynamics scheme. The 2D case is already by itself a simplification of a 3D case (C. Pimentel, 2016).**

Now it is time to write about computationalists. Within this group, two subgroups can be defined: users and developers. The academic users are focused on obtaining, in the best case, a valuable result that will allow them to make "better decisions" (a very trilled phrase) during the design phase, which may be too limited depending on the computational resources available; in the worst case, it is only to obtain a good image or animation for a presentation, full of pretty colors, regardless of whether the solution shows something close to reality, enough for paper publications (e.g., to get a degree) or hundreds of likes in social media (for fun it is OK!). This is not bad, after all, in the end it counts as experience in several tasks to be performed in CFD simulations (modeling of geometries, meshing, selection of parameters and physical models, etc.), which undoubtedly gives valuable knowledge to know all the processes involved, but unfortunately limited for a serious contribution.

On the other hand, industrial users, usually called Computational Aided Engineering (CAE) engineers specialized in CFD, are more involved in following manuals to set the correct options and parameters (e.g., turbulence model coefficients) along the entire simulation process, regardless that they may not have any physical hands-on experience for the particular device or phenomenon they intend to simulate. Even during their hiring process, most CAE-based companies look for knowledge of a particular software rather than understanding of the physics and theory involved, proven skills, or even experience in solving real-world problems. They seem to want people who just follow instructions like machines do (some of them are only hired to perform meshes!); soon, such a profile seems to be easily replaceable...Ultimately, CAE engineers are limited by current simulation technology; however, programming skills (and open source codes) could alleviate this situation somewhat.

Fig. 4 Transonic wing fluid simulation (with limited computational resources; C. Pimentel and L. Jiménez, 2018).

Now, about developers...I consider myself to be one of them, especially in the last few years, after having written some (more or less) complex and extended codes in the context of meshless fluid dynamics. Undoubtedly, most of the brilliant minds I have met work in this area, as it combines logical thinking, problem-solving (at least in the virtual environment), patience, and other skills that only perfectionists (in the good sense of the word) have. However, working in such a rigid language environment is probably the cause that changes (in the long run) their way of thinking about considering alternative forms of solving problems in real life, which inherently reduces creativity and the ability to see problems from a different perspective, becoming the most closed minds I have known: "Things are this way because they have always been this way". This is a common behavior I have observed over the years, even among developers who do research, not just implement code. The big problem I see is that most of the work they do only increases the complexity of the solutions (and, in most cases computational resources), implementing schemes, methods, and techniques that are more in line with the tasks of a software developer than a computational fluid dynamics engineer. By the way, before we can be computational (or even aerodynamicist), we must ideally first be fluid dynamicists.

It seems to me that at this point the north is lost, and even artificial intelligence is not solving the underlying problem at this stage (data-driven solutions depend on the quality of that data; the physics must first be solved accurately). A clear example with current conventional CFD methods is that if we compare the results obtained for the same two-dimensional airfoil (under the same operating conditions) using different CFD solutions (e.g., URANS vs. DES) and even turbulence models within the same method, we will always get quite different results, no matter which software is used. I mean, we have not even solved the simplest two-dimensional simulations yet, and the tendency is to make things more complicated. On the other hand, direct numerical simulations (DNS) are still impractical, and the solution seems to increase computational resources to infinity. At this point, even those who are trying to sell the idea that CFD is the solution to everything, know that the raw truth is that it is still an unfinished, untested tool. Note, however, that I am not denying the relevance of CFD (and CAE in general) for industrial applications, even if it is not the perfect tool; some valuable information can be obtained and it helps to solve many practical problems.

Fig. 5 Nice view! Detailed programming and analyzing vorticity-based methods (Belgrade, summer 2022).

To close this criticism, I will not talk about what a new wonderful method is the solution for solving everything in aerodynamics and CFD, but about an alternative roadmap that gives more weight to understanding fundamentals first (and boring theories), rather than focusing on efficient code implementations (I am sure that a generic software developer without fluid dynamics or aeronautics background can do almost the same task), leaving aside unjustified simplifications or assumptions, usually applied prematurely and arbitrarily. Probably avoiding thinking only in terms of continuum mechanics (i.e., at the macroscale level) will help in this task; breaking down barriers between physicists and engineers might help in solving the problem (understanding at the mesoscale level could be a good start). Nevertheless, the guiding principle must always be experimental fluid dynamics, i.e. all theories and computational implementations must be subject to reproducing what is measured and observed, not the other way around. This sounds logical, but in current theoretical and computational aerodynamics based on Potential Flow Theory (PFT), it seems out of reality and has been a huge burden to understand aerodynamics because it only works for specific operating conditions (i.e., under perfectly attached flow assumption) and cannot be easily extended to a complex one just by applying some "corrections". On the other hand, solutions based on the Navier-Stokes equations should ideally be independent of semi-empirical models (boundary layer, turbulence, etc.), avoiding the use of external parameters that undoubtedly modify not only the qualitative but also the quantitative results. By the way, looking for other ways to discretize such equations might be a good alternative (e.g., Lagrangian instead of Eulerian description). Perhaps it is not yet possible to obtain a purely numerical solution, at least for the simplest incompressible case (a damned flat plate at the low AoA range!) in aerodynamics? Have we already developed the mathematics to solve/approximate it or not? In the meantime, aerodynamics is still a philosophy, and simplified explanations (e.g., for undergraduate students and pilots) must be left aside in the context of a more formal understanding.

Fig. 6 The Full Non-linear Vortex Tube-Vorton Method (C. Pimentel, 2023; Advances in Aerodynamics).

This was an open criticism (not personal: fight ideas, not people), based on my own short experience of what I have seen, heard, and felt (about 10 years in engineering), and it should be taken with an open mind. In the end, I am not writing anything that some experts in the field have not said before.

*There is not yet a version of mesh-based direct numerical simulation (DNS) for "solving" inviscid flows (Euler equations). Q: "Who cares about inviscid flows?" A: The fundamentals are there!
**This analysis was performed for a small-perturbation assumption (oscillation angles are exaggerated for better visualization; some forces are hidden to avoid saturation).

"I do not care if thousands disagree with me; anyway, I do not expect anything from them. It is enough to convince the right person".


  1. Hola Carlos,
    Me parece que con tu estilo tocas puntos sensibles que pueden resultar contraproducentes para dar a conocer o explicar mejor tu trabajo, el cual independientmente de eso es muy interesante, aunque a decir verdad aun no lo termino de comprender (yo trabajo CFD basado en mallas).

    Por cierto, aprovecho para preguntar: cual es el principal aporte de tu investigacion? he revisado dos de tus papers aunque no estoy familiarizado con flujo potencial (recuerdo haber visto algo durante la carrera pero parecia ser obsoleto e impractico).

    Jose (Mexico)

    1. Hola José,

      Es cierto que algunas personas pueden sentirse ofendidas debido al estilo que utilizo, sin embargo con base en las estadísticas, esta ha sido una buena forma de dar a conocer mi investigación; mi artículo de blog más visitado tuvo más de 500 vistas (3 veces más) en apenas unos cuantos días, justamente después de que alguien "lloriqueó" en una red social por la forma en como lo escribí. Así que en términos prácticos, esto funciona.

      Sí, en primera instancia la Teoría de Flujo Potencial (TFP) puede parecer eso que tú mencionas, sin embargo ha servido para resolver casos prácticos (e.g., flujo adherido) en aerodinámica computacional durante las últimas décadas, aunque muy pocas personas realmente pueden interpretar que es lo que significa, así como cuales son sus limitaciones. Precisamente considero que ahí se encuentra mi aporte: extender la aplicación de la TFP a casos generales (e.g., flujo separado) acoplado a un método basado en vorticidad, es decir, la RESOLUCIÓN (no aproximación mediante algún método iterativo, sino directo) de las ecuaciones de Euler (y por demostrar Navier-Stokes) sin el uso de mallas volumétricas.

      Gracias por tu interés. Cualquier otra duda me la escribes.


    2. Hi Carlos,

      I'd be curious to know what would *not* be a philosophy, according to your definition. Aerodynamics is definitely not a philosophy (in the modern sense of the term), nor it was "originally conceived by pure observation and trial-and-error": you're probably thinking of Aeronautics. As a branch of fluid dynamics, aerodynamics has always been a theoretical science, since the times of Euler and the Bernoullis. In fact, the existence of potential flow theory is proof of this, as it most definitely can't be based on pure observation.

      Nowadays we have a very mature theory of continua, which, in the case of most common fluids, is exemplified by the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations are exact, and they are not based on any "semi-empirical model". Their consistency and accuracy has been proven over and over by centuries of applications, and their range of validity has been more or less established. Of course, they are difficult to solve analytically, but for the simplest cases; nor a description of the vast phenomenology of fluid mechanics can be gathered only by looking at the equations themselves. You maintain your position that lift generation and viscosity effects are not explained by fluid dynamics, but in fact they are perfectly accounted for; just not in a simple, one-formula-for-all, way.

      The necessity for numerical solutions is due to the mathematical complexity of the formulation, and it is a mathematical issue. Even the "damned flat plane" is mathematically complicated, no matter how simple it might appear when looking at one. Is the flow in a river simple? Yet, fish happily swim in it with no difficulty.
      Numerical solutions are not inherently bad; of course, they have to follow strict rules to be consistent, just as all other mathematical formulations do. Turbulence models for RANS are as distasteful to me as they are to you, and I agree that "CFD" shouldn't mean "make the mesh and select the turbulence model", but that doesn't mean that CFD is bad per se. DNS might seeem a brute-force approach, but it's the best we can do to tackle the issue of turbulence. The discretization implied by meshes might seem unelegant, but it's not different from the discretization of vorticity by vortex blobs: it's just a byproduct of the numerical solution approach.

      Since your goal is to show that PFT can account for more than it is usually attributed to it, you have to prove it in some way, but it should be consistent: any additional hypothesis (such as "flow separated everywhere") must be fully inglobated in the theory. Even then, I'm afraid the traditional treatment of NSE will still be preferred, because it can account for a much wider range of phenomena in a simpler way.
      If your point is that methods based on PFT can be used also to compute, with reasonable accuracy, conditions with flow separation, that is perfectly reasonable. However, it is not enough justification to attribute to PFT a range of application which it doesn't have, nor to discredit the current formulation of fluid dynamics (fight ideas, right?). A massively more solid argument would be needed for that.

    3. Hola de nuevo,
      Entonces por lo que entendi el metodo que propones podría resolver las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes, es decir un problema del milenio?

    4. José,

      Aunque mi investigación siempre ha estado basada en conceptos matemáticos de la TFP e implementados numéricamente para demostrar una sola hipótesis (un flujo invíscido no puede adherirse naturalmente a las superficies), no me aventuraría a afirmar lo que tú comentas puesto que considero que mi conocimiento teórico acerca del desarrollo las ec. de NS es todavía insuficiente (creo que demostrarlo debería ser el trabajo de algún matemático, ni siquiera un físico), aunque estoy seguro que la descripción Lagrangiana (en vez de la Euleriana) debería ser el camino a seguir para lograrlo.


    5. Hi CT,

      I think I am not confusing such terms, since in the very beginning of aeronautics (not aviation) the concepts of flight (or glide) were based on what we now know as "aerodynamics", i.e. the interaction of air and surfaces, without any additional knowledge, for example, of stability and control. Historically, it is difficult to be sure when modern (formal) aerodynamics appeared (pre-Bernoulli: Leonardo, Newton, etc.; post-Bernoulli: Lanchester, Prandtl, etc.) and it could be cause for a long and interesting debate, but I do not want to have it; I prefer to discuss more practical things and results.

      Yes, my research is also based on NS equations, for such a reason I do not deny their applicability in solving (or approximating) at least the simplest case in aerodynamics, my criticism has always been focused on their discretization, since it depends on many, many assumptions. I think that everything you mention about NS equations could only be valid after proving their "existence and smoothness", since turbulence is still an open problem. My point of view on this is: Turbulence consists of vortices, vortices are generated at surfaces, so if the interaction AT the flow-solid interface is not solved exactly (without viscous models or other assumptions), turbulence cannot be "understood", since it should hypothetically exist even without viscosity, something the current PFT hides, influencing the popular belief that viscosity triggers separation, a completely counterintuitive (and absurd) idea; an "inviscid DNS" could help to understand the fundamentals of fluid-flow dynamics like this. This is why I say that current mesh-based solutions have not solved the fundamentals.

      Undoubtedly, mesh-based solutions will continue to be used as the standard because it has several decades of maturity, but that does not mean that other alternatives cannot be explored and discussed, pointing out the drawbacks of the current methods. With this, I consider that my "massively more solid argument" has been reviewed and published in a top journal and is based on precise numerical results. At this point, I think I do not need any more arguments to prove my "fully inviscid separated flow" hypothesis. By the way, in the last reference you sent me (Wu, 1980) the author mentions: "The present theory offers insight to the problem of aerodynamic forces and moments whether or not massive flow separation occurs", so it cannot be considered a general theory that explains how lift is generated in stalled configurations; my numerical method does (not yet published, but available in the current version of the corresponding open source code). If anyone is looking for a theoretical justification, it is based on the PFT (and its superposition principle), but interpreted correctly; i.e. an inviscid flow does not stick to surfaces, a reasoning based on pure common sense, already numerically, thus mathematically justified.

      Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts.


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