On the ROTationality of an inviscid flow: Laplace /= Euler

Although the title of this blog article sounds too formal, as if it were a scientific publication, it follows the same idea as most of the previous ones, maintaining more or less a simple explanation of some topics of interest in fluid dynamics, within an acceptable extension. Therefore, I will logically explain why the rotationality remains from the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (i-NSE) to incompressible Euler (i-Euler) ones after its simplification (from viscous fluid to inviscid flow) and how this concept leads to a better understanding of fluid motion from an alternative vorticity-based perspective. The i-NSE are a set of non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs) that allow approximating the numerical solution for a viscous fluid since they can include all the acting forces such as gravity, pressure, viscous diffusion, and advection (sometimes called convection ) terms. Such equations are mainly described in their velocity-pressure (v-p) formulation, however, they ...